Report of the Chilean National Commission on Truth and Reconciliation

Report of the Chilean
National Commission on
Truth and Reconciliation

Chapter Two (A.2.b.1.4)

On November 30, 1974 Juan Rodrigo MacLEOD TREVER, who apparently had MIR ties, and his mother-in-law, María Julieta RAMIREZ GALLEGO, went to the Tres Alamos detention site to visit Maria Antonieta Castro Ramírez, who was MacLeod's wife and Ramirez's daughter. She was being held prisoner with her brother, Oscar Castro Ramírez. Both of them were MIR activists. Witnesses have said that as they were visiting the guards found certain suspicious objects among the things that they were bringing to their relatives, and hence they were arrested. These two prisoners disappeared while under DINA control. There is no evidence about what happened to Juan Rodrigo MacLeod after his arrest. Witnesses have testified that María Julieta Ramírez was held at Villa Grimaldi and was last seen there. The Commission is convinced that their disappearance was the work of government agents who thus violated their human rights.



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